To grow your business, stay competitive, and increase profits, you need to build a solid digital marketing plan. There are certain steps you need to take when developing such a plan, especially for small businesses looking to save as much money as possible. Although each business’s marketing goals vary, these four steps will help you achieve whatever those goals may be. Define Identities When getting started in marketing, there are two main identities that are essential to define before moving forward: your target market’s identity and your brand identity. To create a personalized, effective approach and make the greatest impact with your marketing efforts, you have to determine exactly who you are marketing towards. Once you know who you are marketing to, utilize your brand identity as the basis of all connections you make. Your brand identity is a collection of elements that your company creates to portray the essence of your business to its consumers in an effort to persuade them. Develop an Online Presence It is more important than ever before to invest in an online presence for your business. If executed well, your online persona can make the difference between success and failure for your company. Keep in mind that being online doesn’t only mean building a stellar website and social media accounts; it also means doing your due diligence on exactly what content to include and where. Choosing the right platforms to present your business on and utilizing tools like search engine optimization are imperative. Utilize Content Marketing Any form of online content is only relevant for so long and will only maintain visibility for a short while. So, building expertly-designed websites and social media profiles can only remain beneficial so long as you consistently update it with strong content. Running an awesome company blog with industry-specific and entertaining content is one way to utilize your site to the best of its ability, maintain your online audience/followers, and keep your business visible on search engines. Invest in Paid Advertising With paid advertising, you purchase ad space that allows you to specifically target audiences, instead of waiting for them to find you organically. If done strategically, it can be an excellent way to steer more traffic to your website, bring in new customers, get leads, and increase brand awareness. Paid marketing space is typically displayed on social media channels as well as search engine results pages. Any one of these tasks is a lot to consider, let alone implement properly. When it comes to digital marketing, the most effective and sensible way to make a difference is by hiring a marketing agency to do the strategizing and heavy lifting for you. At Clairant, we have decades of experience in marketing businesses of all sizes, so we’re ready for any goal you have in mind for your company. Get started here.
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AuthorDesirae Haluk is passionate about marketing for startups and small businesses. For the last 15 years she has held marketing executive positions for organizations both large and small. She realizes that her true passion is helping establish, grow and evolve startups and small businesses to make them successful and help achieve their goals. Archives
February 2025