With the email platforms of today you can use the reporting and analytics tools to see who is engaging with your content. This turns a cold lead into a warm or hot lead and will significantly improve your conversion rates. Don't worry, we will explain the process when we chat. At Clairant, our worker bees send Emails for our clients daily that prove they are experts in their industry with quality content that converts prospects into new customers.
Email marketing doesn't pull in clients overnight. Email marketing is a channel used to nurture those leads that aren't quite ready to buy yet. At any given point across industries about 3% of people are looking for your products or services and ready to pull the trigger right now. About 7% are ready in the next few months, 30% in the future sometime but not interested now and the other 60% wouldn't pay for your product or service if you paid them! The point is that once you find contacts in your target market to put on your segmented email lists, you can catch them when they eventually turn into that 3% who are ready to buy now. But you have to make sure you stay top of mind for them when they eventually are ready. Nurturing your leads with email is the secret. So if you are not email marketing now you need to get cracking on this. Don't let your competitors steal your prospects when you know your brand is better than theirs. So show your leads that you out perform your competition and start sending them effective emails that will give them no choice but to become your client.
So how do you decide what content to share on your emails? Great question! Our busy bees create effective content strategies using SEO tools like Google Search Console, Ubersuggest and Google analytics. We know what keywords you are ranking for and what keywords you should be ranking for. We marry the two and create an SEO optimized editorial calendar for us to follow for your email marketing, social media, blogging and anything else you want to use the content for. This ensures we are not pulling ideas from the sky. Rather we are using a scientific approach that is proven to work. So stop trying to do this yourself and leave the work to our busy worker bees who are experts at promoting your business. |